lunes, 23 de enero de 2012

Ultimando detalles

      Esta es la organización de la información que habíamos estado hablando. Añadid todo lo que se me haya olvidado o se os haya ocurrido. Además hay que repartirse el trabajo. ¿Sugerencias?
·         Escala territorial
o   Video (Google earth)
o   Foto satélite situación
o   Mapa de situación
·         Escala edilicia
o   Soleamiento, incidencia de la luz natural
o   Marcar zona de día y zona de noche en los alzados
o   Distinción de zonas y usos por plantas
o   Recorridos
·         Pequeña escala
o   Pequeños objetos hechos a escala humana (encimera de la cocina, baños, aseo, puertas, ventanas)
o   Esquemas de apertura de puertas y ventanas (qué ventanas abren en el estudio y cuáles no)
·         Lenguaje
o   Cuadros de colores en los alzados y en las plantas
·         Metodología
o   Esquemas a mano
·         Material
o   ¿Fotos?
·         Construcción
o   Esquema (caja de hormigón y revestimiento de piedra)
·         Significado
o   ¿?

miércoles, 28 de diciembre de 2011

Mono-crystalline type of house

The implosion of the landscape continues inside the house. There are neither service hallways nor a truly habitable center. The rooms adjoin each other and create a structure as though four houses had been compressed into a conglomerate from the outside and the concrete supports were left behind as joints whose fusion process can still be seen. Later on, Herzog & de Meuron gave a detailed description of this mono-crystalline type of house in their design for a development in Sils/ Engadine."

MACK, G. (Ed.), Herzog & de Meuron 1978-1988, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1997

Sils-Cuncas Settlement Design
Sils, Engadin, Switzerland
Competition 1991

What is the relationship of the houses to the landscape?
Sils-Cuncas is a group of houses. As in a village-Isola, for example, or, at a higher altitude, Grevasalvas the houses seem to be placed coincidentally in the landscape. In spite of their comparatively high and heavy cubes, they form a nearly romantic, somehow familiar building composition.
Perhaps this first glance, this first impression formed by a person traveling by in a bus or car or on cross-country skis is not so wrong and, especially from an urban architectural and landscape design point of view, not so uninteresting: houses grouped together to form a settlement that under closer observation, upon second, more critical inspection reveals itself as an independent reflexive settlement structure.
Simplified, Engadine architectural typology can be understood as a combination of single, finished monocrystalline cells into more or less homogeneous classical architecture in which the single cell relinquishes its outwardly visible independence or as a combination tending toward a more or less heterogeneous architecture in which, as in a stone conglomerate, the single component, the single space or the single architectural element remains visible.
Herzog & de Meuron, 1993

The three-story building

"The three-story building has been conceived as a strictly geometric abstract structure. It's cruciform concrete skeleton determines the layout, axionometry and section, and creates a modular entity which seems to be able to reach further out into the landscape when required..."

MACK, G. (Ed.), Herzog & de Meuron 1978-1988, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1997

En la casa de piedra se nos presentan tres espacios diferenciados: terreno sin edificar,  interior de la vivienda y una zona que relaciona las dos anteriores.  A su vez en el interior existe una zona de vivienda (planta baja y superior comunicadas entre si) y un semisotano independiente y con acceso propio.